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April 9, 2024 Comments Off on Recall Training Tip – Jämthund Pup Unski Bear Dogs, Training Pups

Recall Training Tip – Jämthund Pup Unski

Getting a new pup requires training for recall. In all my training with Jämthund pups and Norwegian Elkhound pups I use the same technique. I utilize the concept you are all familiar with of praise, combined with repeating the name.

Unski Training Recall in Remote Terrain

Remote terrain recall training with Jamthund Pup Unski and his Grandma Aina

I try to use the name often in repetition when he arrives and is right at me to cement in his name. He may or may not have came on his name, he may have came on a come by me, or a sign, or followed a mentor, but once he arrives use his name. In repetition! This quickly allows him to learn his name and associate it with being in a great spot near you.

His name should be used so that he knows it’s a great thing when it’s called. So repeat when he arrives and make it fun.

Next in the same motion of praise move to praising him for coming. Big fun time. Make him the center of all attention. Big fun time when he arrives. This is crucial to skill building recall. He has to know he is going to be the hero, he is going to get the attention and it’s important early on for him to have his time to shine.

Do this everytime he arrives. Cement in his name and big fun time. It does not have to be long, but very positive. I have a short clip on this showing Unski, one of the spectacular Jamthund males we raised with his Grandma Aina mentoring. It will link to the full video. Enjoy and have a great time training your pup.

