Helix, Tosha’s best pal and companion Jamthund is back home and mending up. He was caught in a trap up in Alaska.
Tosha and Helix
Tosha has an incredible bond with Helix her Jamthund Male Elkhound
So, a few days back Tosha notified me and her folks on her area and Instagram and Alaska community that her best pal Helix had gone missing. Not like Helix, he is not like this, so she was concerned.
I was also concerned, sometimes they get lured out, take a run after a big cat, or chase some prey, something catches their attention and scent, brings them out. Anyway, this is exactly what happened.
So this is a very cool story how he came to be found.
Michael had traveled to my location the day of his discovery as he was coming for Karu. So that evening after supper we were checking in on Tosha now and then for word, while having a discussion of our Elkhounds and how we are comparing our dogs Telepathic abilities. We are both confident they have this capability better than other breeds.
Meanwhile, late evening we had talked a long while, Sarah texts Michael and says all the dogs are howling and uneasy, some won’t even come in, staying on the porch on guard, very alert, edgy almost with something in the air.
We take note of this. Finally we call it a night, check one last time on Tosha, no news, and fall asleep only to be woken up around midnight by all my dogs howling. I am like, whats up. Posso, who is the father to Helix, Ark, who is the brother, Aila, the sister, Aurella, Vienna and even Karu and Aurella all howling, going on a long time.
Now, unbeknown to me is that Tosha around midnight she couldn’t sleep if she tried, she actually believes she heard some howling. Can’t make this up? Too wild!
She gets up, thinks, I’ll make a recording clip of Helix when he was playing piano and howling and I’ll take my little player and go out hiking and play it loud. Maybe he will hear it.
So at 1 a.m. here is Tosha hiking in Alaska base of Hatcher Pass playing this recording of Helix intermittently to see if he would respond.
You are not going to believe this, sure enough, way off in the distance she hears him. Go Figure! Nuts.
So she makes her way through the bush, stopping now and then to play the recording so he will respond again, so she knows where he is, this is divine intervention at work, no doubt. She gets to him and finds him in a trap.
Now, I have do this because I could not help myself. Helix has a brother named Elvis, yep, can’t make that up either.
So here is Helix, and the famous verse of the song from Elvis comes to mind: “I am caught in a trap, I can’t walk out” , all the dogs howling, Tosha finds him by playing “Music” of Helix playing Piano and singing.
Any of you doubt these dogs are Telepathic now? Doubt it. They are.
Helix is home safe, healing up, she got him to emergency that night and got him patched up.
Huge Thank YOU to Tosha for the incredible devotion she has to Helix and his son Chief. Fantastic effort to get that recording and go out there, Wow. The Lord helps those who help themselves alright, Wow! Good going Tosha, and Helix, my little buddy, good thing you are so gifted!
Traps have caused more than enough grief for our dogs, losses that are tragic I am glad Helix was found before it was too late. Not sure the fascination with setting traps in residential areas, but I find that practice to be one I don’t like. Set them out in remote terrain away from where you can easily catch a neighbourhood dog. Come on!
All good now as Helix is home.