These two phenomenal Norwegian Elkhounds have had incredible influence and still are influencing the North American genetics of the Elkhound breed in a big way. I am shown here with my buddy, a young and handsome Pretty Boy Leif and my best companion and Viking warrior Tora.
A Young Pretty Boy Leif and Warrior Tora
A young stud dog, Pretty Boy Leif along with my Viking Warrior Tora and I, sunny spring day years ago
Very soon, a week perhaps Pretty Boy Leif will be having another litter, many years have passed since this photo of him as a young stud dog for Kamia Kennels, he did not even have a litter on the ground yet at this time. As well, Tora has past on, but her influence and vitality and dominance continues today and also, very soon her legacy will be continued as Willow, her granddaughter is having a litter in a month or so.
Pretty Boy Leif is the father of Willow, so the genetic combination and powerhouse pairing of Tora’s daughter Tika with Leif is profound. We are very excited about having the Willow litter as Karu, our Finnish stud import is the sire to the Willow litter.
What is really cool about these events coming is that Varja, who was bred to Leif and having this litter, she is a daughter of Karu. Watch a great video on Norwegian Elkhound Female Varja!
Varja’s mother Tekla and Willows mother Tika are both daughters of Bram, who was first generation in Canada Norway bloodline Norwegian Elkhound.
There was a lot of planning litters, breeding records analyzed, plans made over many, many years to get to the point we are at, but the main thing is the genetics. We are still preserving the ancient bloodlines, the working instincts that were in many dogs before Pretty Boy Leif and Tora, but contributions by other great dogs adds incredible characteristics to the new pups. All the while retaining the very best of the Elkhound traits.
The pups coming will be incredible. They have the full tilt warrior background of these two dogs, the instinctive skills and ability of all the dogs before them.
Handler focus, great nature, awesome family dogs, hunting and hiking instincts front and center. Watch and guard dogs, good with other dogs, friendly and polite, yet fearless if threats are present. These are the absolute best overall genetics in the Norwegian Elkhounds. If you wish for a great old world companion dog, now is the time to reach out.
Varja is about a week to ten days, so end of February 2024 and Willow about a month later. The genetics of Pretty Boy Leif and Tora flourish in our program today, many years since that photo was taken.
I have a great photo of Willow with her sister Sage below, Willow was recently bred to Karu, so pups coming. Willow, as a daughter of Leif and granddaughter of Tora will preserve these great genetics for generations to come.