Vuk gets a family send off

Aleah, Justin picking up Vuk and meeting Jaegar and GAEDA.

Vuk, Aleah, and Justin

Vuk is a patient Norwegian Elkhound Ice Fishing rascal

Vuk, Norwegian Elkhound Ice Fishing Instincts At Work

Ice Fishing Norwegian Elkhound
Hi Merv,
Ice Fishing Norwegian Elkhound
Vuk a stunning young Norwegian Elkhound out ice fishing at home in Ontario with Justin and Aleah
Vuk had his first day ice fishing, what an amazing day it was, he loved every moment of it and took to the ice naturally. Here are some pics from today. , Justin
Here at Kamia Kennels we breed working Norwegian Elkhound dogs for Great Families and Active Couples. Aleah and Justin are the perfect example of what a great young couple who have an active life, and wanted an awesome family dog. The Norwegian Elkhound is the ultimate companion for a couple like this.
Just a short while ago, on February 16th, 2016 young Vuk, a beautiful male Elkhound from Jaegar and GAEDA, met his new family, Justin and Aleah. They flew out to BC from Ontario to pick up the young companion. They have been waiting patiently for almost a year. The big day was finally here. They are a great couple. We are so proud to have the privilege to share our dogs with such great people.
Vuk is at home, and Justin sent me a neat update. I had inquired how he made out on the flight, he was totally cool with the whole flight, rode right in the cabin with them, and traveled just like his Dad, Jaegar, with no trouble and problems. Vuk is a real GQ young male, these two young professionals have a rough and tumble young fella, but also he is a going to be a real hit on the urban trail if he needs to be.
Norwegian Elkhounds are so versatile, they can live in town, and hit the trails at a moments notice, check out the awesome photos of this young dog icefishing. For those of you who may be reading about the Elkhound for the first time, they are an ancient breed, bred in the Scandinavian regions for centuries. They have ice fishing in the dna. This is what they live for. They are a hunting, fishing, and hiking companion dog, and for centuries in the frozen lakes of Norway, Sweden, Finland and others, pups exactly like Vuk have accompanied the handlers to the lake to catch some supper. As you can see from the photos Justin and Aleah sent, he is right at home.
I am very proud of this young pup, he is a stunning example of all that we try to raise in our dogs. A great stable young fella, all instincts intact, knows his role, and is going to be the best companion this young couple will ever have. Hats off to Aleah and Justin for taking the time to find the right dog, and for also having the confidence in our program to wait for the right dog.
Merv Carlson