The reels that Michael has of the Norwegian Elkhounds, the Swedish Elkhounds, Jamthund’s and now the Full Blood Elkhounds are the best in the world for showcasing these magnificent Elkhounds.
I have mainly been focused on sharing the posts that he has and focusing on that aspect and going into display of the Golden Ring Elkhound Youtube page, but the Golden Ring Elkhound Instagram Reels are quite stunning.
This is a must stop for anyone wanting to know more about the working aspects, the ability to see the dogs in the natural environment and to see the care and attention these pups have with Michael and his family.
The quality of the dogs is so profound and the care they get, the conditioning, the constant workouts, the ability to shine in the environment shows us the quality of feed, housing, care, all of it.
When looking for an Elkhound you can search the world and not find a better run program than what Michael and Sarah have in place. The location they have is one of the very best for the Desna training, it literally allows those pups to build and develop off leash real world skills, in a very remote and challenging environment. Perfect for what the Desna training was developed for!
There is a brand new reel he just put up and it focuses on Elkhounds in action in the wilderness. It’s a very cool reel as it shows all the great instinctive skill of the young dogs, they have already been in some training at this stage but clearly the actions and behavior is instinctive to be this good at this stage already. Michael has been very successful in using the mentor dogs, of exceptional quality I might add, to bring out the instinctive behavior of those pups. It’s a beautiful thing to witness.
I am always amazed at the camera work he can manage while he is walking too, deep snow, hiking along, I been there, I know, so it’s tough to run that camera. So please, take time to let him know you appreciate that effort same as me.
For me of course, at a great distance now from some of my favorite dogs up there, well its so rewarding to see the early years of efforts come to fruition now in the preservation of these great dogs. So by all means, drop by the Golden Ring Elkhound Reels section and watch some incredibly well done video on these awesome Elkhounds.