Golden Ring Elkhound Reels

Best Family Dog In History

February 5, 2025 Comments Off on Proven Elkhound Genetics Full Blood Elkhound

Proven Elkhound Genetics

Great pups litter after litter, decade after decade are not random chance events. Proven Elkhound genetics are the deciding factor in consistently producing the best preservation breeding stock for all Elkhound types, Norwegian Elkhounds, Jamthund or Swedish Elkhound and of course The Full Blood Elkhounds.

Proven Elkhound Genetics

Decades of careful genetic preservation of Elkhound Genetics on display today at Kamia Kennels

In preservation breeding our principles are founded on centuries of ancient practice of diverse genetics and instinct preservation. Those are and were always the key aspects. How the old breeders maintained these dogs for hundreds and hundreds of years, creating flawless pup after pup is how we still maintain and proceed today.

Our program is not based on “Looks” or Judges 1 minute impressions, or what the lastest change is the standard, nope. Not by a long shot.

Our program is based on principles that have shown over centuries to preserve and maintain genetic integrity, maintain health and function, and of course preserve instinctive ability.

As one of the last remaining preservation breeders with of course the Only known Full Blood breeding program left the task ahead seems somedays a bit daunting. But when I look through our fabulous co-breeder program and the world dedication we have with our affiliated overseas breeders I can smile and know we have the genetics in great shape and the Elkhounds thriving.

Our support of course from our loyal and every growing clients who also wish to help preserve and maintain these bloodlines is one of the greatest aspects. Without the support of the clients we could not operate, we could not preserve.

Many of our clients today are coming for second and third Elkhounds. They have witnessed the benefits of a flawless dog, some of them holding our lines for decades. They know the value of proven genetics, they are without a doubt the biggest testimony to our old world principles.

Our client base expands each and every day, more and more people are wanting to assist and work to preserve what has been for centuries the oldest known family dog. We will strive to produce dogs of superior genetics, flawless instinctive skill and personal handler focus known by our amazing lineages.

We have pups on the ground now up at Golden Ring Elkhounds, Michael and Sarah, our fantastic co-breeders in the Athabasca region. They are working right now with three litters of proven genetics.

Stop by the Golden Ring Elkhound Instagram and witness some seriously good genetic preservation!