John and Denise live in Calgary and have two awesome Kamia Kennels Elkhound Females. These are two Norwegian Elkhound beauties, sisters no less, from different litters. They are what Elkhound females are all about. John is retired and gets out and about the Calgary trails with these two females every day. He takes regular day trips and longer to surrounding areas like the Kananaskis Country.
Calgary Trails and Kananaskis Adventures with Two Elkhounds
What an awesome pair of Norwegian Elkhound sisters, Teeka and Nikeeta. Thanks to John and Denise for the awesome update
There are no better dogs for hiking out in the Southern Alberta regions, and the foothills are perfect for the Elkhound. You can have some great day trips out there with a couple females like Teeka and Nikeeta. Teeka just turned 4 and Nikeeta is a year and half. John has sent me some great photos of them playing and hiking, and of course one relaxing back home with the cats. No great adventure is any good without a nap after, and what better scene than all those buddies together.
John is polite to all hikers, he keeps the girls on leashes for the most part all the time, and when in park areas and so forth. In some off leash zones the females can burn around and use the skills and training he has provided. These two are excellent for hiking the trails of the Kananaskis region as they are air scent dogs, so they pay attention. You won’t stumble upon a situation with these two, they will know what’s up ahead long before you will. It’s the best hiking breed in the world, and these two are daughters of Tora and Bram. Tora is the most famous female Elkhound in Canada pretty much. And as you may or may not know, these are granddaugthers of the big fella himself, ole Takoda man. So, as far as having an adventure whether it’s at the dog parks, urban trails or remote west country hikes, these two females are the very best pals you could travel with.
I look forward to hearing more about the trails and adventures that John and Denise have in store for Teeka and Nikeeta and hope they stay in touch and keep us posted. Some awesome photos John, thank you!