Tegan is 15 years old and running strong yet! An amazing Kamia Kennels Norwegian Elkhound that Tracey and Dennis have with them. They received her as a pup and have cared for her the entire time. What an incredible life Tegan has had with them.
15 Year old Norwegian Elkhound Female
Tegan, Norwegian Elkhound female still hiking strong at 15 years of age
Tegan is a daughter of Takoda and Mia, who were a very strong and powerful pair of Elkhounds with very good longevity.
As a preservation breeder, Kamia Kennels does not endorse or practice line breeding or in breeding. We believe the health aspects of the breed could be compromised so we refrain from doing those practices. Tegan is a perfect example of health and longevity and power and stamina so we know our goals and principles are correct. Tegan is a diverse genetic, as are all the Kamia Kennels pups.
What is evident in a female like this is careful selection of genetic pairs as well so you end up with a balanced and very mentally stable Norwegian Elkhound. This female has been so solid and steady her entire life it’s amazing. She has two Full Jamthund males she lives with, Magnus and Gunnar. They are also Kamia Kennels pups. She has been the mentor and trainer for those big boys, and still keeps them in line.
Good food, great exercise, activity and care by Tracey and Dennis has contributed to her longevity no doubt. She still does 2-3 km walks daily and loves to be out.
We recently heard from another of our clients, June and Shane they have Sofi. She is the full sibling sister to Tegan. She as well is still going strong and is a powerful female in her mature years. We know of more of this same genetic that has extended their active life with their handlers out to the upper reaches of age. Neat thing is they remain healthy, sure some little aches and pains, some little upsets here and there and are not quite as fast as they used to be, but still extremely competent females on the trails yet. Still hiking strong at 15 is very good.
We credit our great pups to sound breeding practices, diverse genetics and proper care and feeding. Once the pup goes to the new handlers, they too have to provide the correct nutritional care, lifestyle and home so the pups can thrive. Tracey and Dennis are focused and careful, love their Elkhounds and give them every chance for success and happiness and long healthy life. We are so proud of our dogs, but also we are very proud of our clients who all become our friends who care for our pups through life.
Great family companions like Tegan who have handlers like Tracey and Dennis are what makes our program a success. A mature Norwegian Elkhound healthy and powerful at this age requires exceptional genetics, sound breeding practices, careful selection of mating pairs and a caring and loving family that provides the requirements for long life.
Our program continues today on the exact same basis, we have diverse genetics and carefully matched pairs of Norwegian Elkhounds having pups soon this spring. These pups coming stem from the same lineage that Tegan and Sofi come from. Generations later, carefully using diverse pairs we still produce the highest quality Norwegian Elkhounds possible. Many families years from now will be sending me photos of their mature elkhounds.
I know Tracey and Dennis will be updating me yet years from now on Tegan. From looking at her, she is good for some serious time hiking yet, maybe even a hunt with her big comrades Magnus and Gunnar is in her future yet! We know she can hunt!
Again, a HUGE THANKYOU to Tracey and Dennis for providing such a great life to Tegan, Magnus and Gunnar!
To view an article I wrote on Tegan years ago, check out this Norwegian Elkhound pup update.
Be sure to contact us about our new pups coming: Norwegian Elkhound Pups