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July 4, 2024 Comments Off on Elkhounds in Warm Climate Regions Norwegian Elkhound

Elkhounds in Warm Climate Regions

We do get asked about Elkhounds in warm climate regions and I can say we have a lot of our dogs in warmer regions.

Elkhounds in Warm Climates

Elkhounds can thrive in Warm Climates with the proper care and attention

The Elkhound is a double coat dog, so it will shed the inner coat as the warmer weather comes. If it stays warm it actually does not come back in. Sure there is a little bit of inner coat, but essentially they are running way less inner coat in the warm season.

As long as you have your Elkhound in the shade, work in the cooler times of the day, slower pace, shade, soft ground, deep timber, by creeks etc. the Elkhounds do fine. They love the area’s around water, although not water dogs, they will like to keep the feet cool and sometimes wade to the belly.

Shade hiking is the best adventure in the early morning when it’s cool out. No midday hikes as that is just too warm.

Reducing the feed also helps in the summer, keep them a little bit leaner.

We have dogs in literally ever state and region south of us, with many in California, the beautiful Solveig I’ll put a great photo of her. There are many others in that state. New Mexico we have quite a few, Stellan is down there, his buddy Viking, Togo is there as well. Arizona, Tierra and Tuva and Tellu hang out, around them in Phoenix Nate is there. Rico comes down that way as well. Utah has great dogs of ours Bane is there, the two siblings from GAEDA, Keisa and Koda, Gustaf was hiking down that way. Nevada will be running a few of our dogs soon as well.

South Carolina, the Vermont and Virginia regions have a lot of our dogs, Echo and Timber at that direction, along with Koda and Trigg is down there. Toward New York we have dogs out that way, I know Kalia has a daughter toward that direction.

The stunning Hada just went to Maryland, she is living the dream now. Got a great photo of her the other day, she made it home. Missouri has our great dogs, Idaho tons, Texas of course some of greatest are there. The famous Riatta and her brother Ari, the last bloodline pups from Luna, as well they have the famous Rush there with them, a Karu son.

We have Swedish Elkhounds throughout the south as well. Renza and Raina are down there, Loki and many others. So you can also find great dogs moving around, like Kronos, he travels a bit, Florida, Alabama, AZ and more places. He lives and RV lifestyle. His brother MAX he is south east region as well.

Lots of dogs in Oregon, WA, North and South Dakota. Wyoming the big boys Dan has them hiking with him. Many more to that I am missing for sure. But no doubt about these dogs are thriving with the right care and management. It’s a bit different working out times and schedules so it’s cooler times of day, but totally doable.

I have a new video on it I’ll put the link here: it’s Karu and I hiking on July 4th, 2024.