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January 12, 2024 Comments Off on How much to feed an Elkhound Pup Norwegian Elkhound

How much to feed an Elkhound Pup

Kamia Kennels Snow Dogs

Winter feed requirements for pups is obviously higher than summer pups, so increase accordingly based on activity and age. 1 1/2 pounds twice a day for 12 week and up pups doing fairly good workouts outside in winter. Raw Food – meats and fish, very little to no roughage for pups.


Norwegian Elkhound pups out on a snowshoe hike and how much to feed a pup in winter

Top dress rations for pups with smelts, sardines diced up, or organ meats diced up. These can add that little extra if the conditions are very cold.

Ribs should have very good coverage with fat, running your fingers down the side of the pup you should not feel the ribs easy in winter. You can lean the pup out a bit in the spring. Raw is not going to be making your pup fat, but will add condition. Each pup has a variety of activities so the rib cover on the pup is the easy way to gauge if you are feeding enough.

I always feed more than many recommend in winter simply because I do make them work in winter. Watch a video of some stout pups with some adults, you’ll know what I mean. Here is the link:

You can always top dress rations in winter and it can vary by temp, activity, day, etc. Rations can stay fairly constant and then if you are out on a good hike and it’s chilly, when you get back, top dress to add back that nutrient they need to stay in condition after a good burn and workout. Pups are like athletes, treat the ration the same.

How much to feed a pup in winter is dependent on rib cover, age and activity. 1 1/2 pounds raw twice daily in severe winter conditions.

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