I had a lady one time she was new to hiking with dogs, impressionable, trying her best to get good intel on the subject. She made the mistake of taking the advise of a “Learned Colleague” instead of an actual practiced and experienced remote terrain handler of hiking dogs. She did not buy a hiking dog!
Choosing an off leash hiking dog
Kamia Elkhounds are the ultimate off leash hiking remote terrain dog!
I never have forgot that. I feel bad for her every single time we raise another great off leash hiking Elkhound. She ended up with a breed that was not suited to hiking, nor off leash, in fact it was actually suited to nothing.
So I am committed to sharing details about how to pick the proper dog for hiking, camping and remote terrain activities, family lifestyle outdoors and recreation and hunting.
I am not going to give you any advice on rat killers, even though we know they are all Terrier group, I will not give you advice on how to get your duck out of the pond on the duck hunt, even though everyone knows it’s a Labrador Retriever. I sure as heck won’t give you advice on how to get that orny old cow and calf out of the thickets down by Maple Creek when you want the cows in, even though we all know it’s going to be a solid necked, mean and tough Blue Heeler.
But what I will do is give you advice on what I know best, the off leash remote terrain hiking dogs, the Elkhounds. Ancient Elkhounds to be exact. Specific bloodlines even to be more precise. Bloodlines that have existed in select breeding programs longer than any other breed of dog period. Including all those I just listed that are so well known.
No, I will only talk about the capabilities of the worlds best hiking dog. That dog currently, and there is no one that knows anything about genetics, instincts and breeding will say different, that dog, is a Kamia Elkhound.
However, beware, because unknowing, actually clueless “Learned Colleagues” will steer you to some dumbed down, stupid breed, that has no skill of any kind left, has no resemblance to anything of value and will give you poor advice on hiking dogs.
You best stick to someone that has hiked, has raised, has seen the actual hiking dogs, has decades of experience, someone who has actually been raised around them as a child even, grew up out in the remote terrain with one of these focused dogs. Then you will get some real factual stuff, some actual common sense know how, some experienced advice.
Believe me, I really get annoyed at “Learned Colleagues” who spew garbage advice about hiking dogs. I really get annoyed! 100% they know nothing, it’s literally guaranteed they have not a clue.
Go ahead and hike to the Start of the mighty Saskatchewan River, the actual headwaters, yeah, top of the continental divide. Then, over years hike all down the mighty rivers, go all the way to where they join up again even, hike the delta’s. Cover it in all seasons. Get up there dead of winter, heat of summer. That is just 1 basic hiking, but profound just the same. Go off leash on that remote hike, take you a few years.
If you have done a hike like that, with an off leash dog, or dogs, you may have a clue to talk. Your bound to encounter every possible top animal predator in North America on that hike. Every single 1. You go in there with the wrong dog, nothing, and I mean nothing but bad things are going to happen. Go with the right dog, you have the worlds greatest experience in one of the absolute most profound set of terrain and experiences you can find in the world.
It’s a very specific dog you want on remote terrain hikes, family adventure, camping and hiking, canoe trips and hunting. A very small specific few breeds are bred entirely for this. The Elkhound provides the background for all of the few. The best lineages are from very specific regions and have been focus bred for diversity and instinctive behaviors for centuries.
Please when you are looking for a camping, hiking, outdoor adventure, remote terrain lifestyle family dog, please do research that counts, research that is very, very apparent. Find the truth, find the facts. Get the full picture.
With a Kamia Elkhound it is so obvious once a little bit of investigation is done. You can take a look at countless video experiences with Michael showcasing all the various litters, pups and bloodlines in such stunning video work it’s crazy. He is so good to immerse you in the experience. Check these immersive off leash hiking Elkhound Videos out.
Michael and Sarah are running every single bloodline that excels in off leash. Literally they have access to all of the Kamia bloodlines going back through the history of the Breed. It’s important for me to share with folks that they need to slow down, consider the heritage of hiking dogs. Don’t get sidetracked by nonsense.
Think, determine what you see, what you can look back on. Check out the heritage, heck, go for a hike for crying out loud, get up to Michael and go on trails, experience it first hand.
Do not be mislead by “Learned Colleagues”, stay true to heritage, honest evaluations, proven history.
Michael and Sarah have pups now out of the greatest off leash hiking lines ever. Touch base with them.
Golden Ring Elkhounds and Kamia Kennels