Elkhounds are ancient pack oriented dogs. Let’s face it, two living together are going to be happier. They have the ability to play, provide comfort, companionship and way more to each other than we can begin to offer. We can’t comprehend how important it is for a pack oriented animal to have a “Pack”, even though it’s just two.
Matched Pair of Elkhounds
Ancient Elkhounds Dajr and Syn, a matched pair of stunning working Elkhounds
I have seen so many pairs of Great Elkhounds that go from our kennel and all of them are extremely happy dogs. The owners have way less hassles overall, the training, the exercise the intellectual stimulation, the working over all is way nicer.
We can give the best care, the best life, all the workouts and hiking we want but we can not provide that distinct ability to bond like another Elkhound can. It’s just the way it is. They live healthier and happier as a pair.
Matched pairs are unique in the dog world and of course, matched pairs in a breed such as the ancient Elkhounds come from literally 1 breeder, Kamia Kennels. For decades we have focused on understanding pack mentality, understanding how dogs thrive together, which do well as pairs, which do not. It’s a really stunning thing to witness a matched pair interacting.
Some Elkhounds just don’t get along, so the breeder has to understand that aspect, and we are very keen on recognizing the matched qualities. Pups will exhibit it very early on, like from birth really.
If I was to guess, although tough for me to know, but I believe matched pairs of siblings are actually already matched before they come out. I truly believe after witnessing so many great successful pairings of matched Elkhounds that I believe they are close in the womb. They come out I believe, one after another. I also believe they end up nursing side by side.
Now, it’s not a scientific study, but I have sat with hundreds and hundreds of pups being born, watched them nurse, where they latch, study the pups as they develop each day and I am pretty positive I know who is going to work side by side.
One of my most famous matched pairs was of course MANE and Luna. They were the famous pair of Elkhounds born on the night of the Super Moon.
But I want to share another thing I noticed. It does not have to be the same litter, it can be different litters but still siblings. Yes, go figure. It’s like they were born together, but can be six months apart. Fascinating really.
The pair of incredible ancient Elkhounds I have exhibited today are phenomenal. The bond they have is amazing. This is the stunning pair, Dajr and Syn. Now Tammy and Dwayne have these two incredible Elkhounds over east of me a ways. Dajr and Syn have been back numerous times to visit. Dajr has even been a stud dog in our program. He sired incredible pups.
When you are looking at getting a matched pair of Elkhounds talk to us, we can walk you through the variables that can work for you. I have lots of videos on this topic, tons of stories so can share lots.
Be sure to reach out to us about the upcoming litters as well, soon more of these great ancient Elkhounds will be on the ground.
Dajr and Syn, Norrland Bloodlines, oldest known.