Elkhounds in Warm Climate Regions

Michael is the Pro of Pup Set Up Now

July 24, 2024 Comments Off on Great Norwegian Elkhound Females Are Not Random Foundation Elkhound Females, Norwegian Elkhound, Pups

Great Norwegian Elkhound Females Are Not Random

Generation after generation of great Norwegian Elkhound females is not random chance. It’s selecting the best matching genetics that create females.

New Preservation Elkhound - Rovi

Rovi - our new foundation female is selected, Norwegian Elkhound excellence continues!

Creating great females takes selecting genetics that have shown a preference for excellence in females. Females need to be created for excellence and focus has to be on the females in any genetic preservation program, not just dogs. But in ancient Elkhounds the essence of all preservation work is focused a great deal on the genetics of the dogs going together to “Enrich and Enhance” the females.

When we take a look back at our 5 generations we can expand that back another many, many generations and it’s always going to showcase Elkhounds that create, or were awesome females.

So, we can easily start with Takoda’s mother, he came from a litter of 13. What are the odds? We are talking a very prolific female. Who has been able to have multiple 10 pup litters? Takoda!

Mia, prolific and powerful, bred to Takoda each time creating extremely good future preservation dogs, both male, and of course Female.

We can look at individual dogs or by the theme of selection. Bram for example came from the old genetics of Varja. She was and still is the most prolific Elkhound female known, 44 pups. A Norway legend.

Look at Karu’s mother, Rittu, triple champion in Finland. What breeder has the dedication these days to even Champion hunt Moose, let alone trial her out and Champion her on bear? Then, go to show and win that. Amazing. This female excels way ahead of the pack.

Then you have all these ultra prolific and amazing daughters of Karu. No matter which female he is bred too. We have of course the stunning Rita, daughter of Kai and Karu with pups now. Guess what, 4 amazing females in this litter. They will be so awesome. All female powerhouses. She was bred to Pretty Boy Leif to get this litter, his final litter.

Some of the other amazing daughters so far, are Karia, she had 9 last time, stunning pups. We retained Isla as a foundation female from that mating. Kaleva had stunning pups 8, down in Idaho, she too is a daughter of Karu. We retained a male from that litter with Leif, his name is Aksel.

There are more daughters of Karu that have produced very good pups. We have already from the last litter of Rita’s retained Lil Griz, she is down with Linda in Montana.

Pretty Boy Leif of course he produced so many great females, his background is right full of the very best of the best. He has the genetics from the famous Calista and Marketta, both two time winners of Hound Group at Westminster. Rita’s sister Letta was named after Marketta, she is a Leif daughter. Her pups are legends.

Right at this moment of writing this, Michael is selecting out his choice for the next generation up at his location of females from the 5th generation litter. Her name is Rovi.

She is going to carry this phenomenal ancient lineage of Norwegian Elkhounds forward. Her pups will be sixth generation in our program and she acts as a main anchor to the ancient Norrland bloodlines, she carries the famous Varja blood, the first International Champion. Closer to the surface of course her Grandmother Zinny, is also an International Champion. Her Finnish Heritage is incredible coming out of that famous Rittu and Kamu mating, her Grandfather Karu.

Some of the best Norwegian Elkhound hunt dogs that were in existence, the famous Mini-G and RMkjekk. from Norway are flowing in her bloodlines. Let us not forget the prolific and ultra powerful Great Grandma Tora. Tora has no equal to date in our program for the ability to whelp 34 pups in 4 litters and do it in record time, carry condition to maintain her powerful status throughout her life.

All of these great genetics and many more flow now in our new foundation female, Rovi. Rovi is up with Michael and Sarah and her older sister, same genetic set, Lil Griz is down in Montana with Linda. Great things coming for this powerhouse foundation pup, what a presence for such young age, 7 weeks now.